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Dr. Shaun Holt BPharm (Hons), MBChB (Hons)

(Note: presently in the UK and based in Florida for 3 months starting mid November 2022 prior to returning to Aukland)

Health Speaker

Dr. Shaun Holt is an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, has started two clinical trials organizations and formed Research Review, a company that produce reviews of medical research. Shaun holds Pharmacy and Medicine degrees, has been the Principal Investigator in over 50 clinical trials and has over 200 publications in the medical literature. He is the Scientific Director and a founder of HoneyLab and an advisor to several pharmaceutical companies. Shaun has been a regular contributor on TV1’s Breakfast programme and national radio shows and is the author of 11 books including the bestseller “Natural Remedies That Really Work“. He was a finalist in the 2015 New Zealander of the Year Awards in the Innovator category and in the 2019 New Zealand Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.


Complementary therapies Q&A

Most people take vitamins, supplements or herbal products, or use other forms of natural, complementary or alternative medicines. In this open session you can ask about the science of any that you use, are thinking of using, or are simply interested in.

Churchills’ ills

Churchill survived multiple health scares to become one of the world’s greatest leaders. Crashed a plane, thrown from a camel and survived an attempt to throw him under a train….all whilst he was in his thirties!

Omega 3 – 101

We all know that fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids are good for us. But what is the difference between all the different products you see on the shelves? Should you eat fish or take a supplement? What’s the difference between omega-3 and omega-6, between fish oil and krill oil, between DHA and EPA?

Medicines from the Hive – the medical uses of honey and bee venom

Humans have been using honey for medical purposes for at least 4000 years and recent research has shown that it is an effective treatment for many medical conditions. Other products from bees are also effective, including bee venom that can help with pain and remove wrinkles!

Natural Products and Therapies: which work, which don’t….and how to tell the difference.

Do you know the difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath? A homeopath and a

naturopath? Whether rescue remedy, ginger, or B vitamins are worth taking? Learn about the evidence behind natural products and therapies, and ask about ones that you use or are thinking about.

Medical Cannabis

It’s a hot topic in both medicine and business at the moment. What does science say about the possible medical benefits of this widely used plant…and what are the potential risks?

Plants that heal, plants that harm

Growing in your garden are plants that have been used for centuries to heal us and improve our health…aloe, chamomile, cranberry, feverfew, to name just a few. Others can harm or even kill you, such as oleander, ivy and hemlock. This presentation will appeal both to gardeners and those interested in health.

The dose makes the poison

This is what Paracelsus said….common substances such as water and oxygen can be fatal if the dose is too high, whereas potent toxins can have medical properties at very low doses. This talk explores how a decimal point can make the difference between life and death.

Travel sicknesses

Travelling long distances by air, sea or land has led to many illnesses over the centuries. This talk describes the history of medical problems associated with travel, and more contemporary illnesses, and covers both the diseases and the cures.

Alternative Medicine: weird & extreme healthcare practices

Alternative medicines and therapies are healthcare products or practices that are

taken or used instead of standard medical therapies. Some of the most interesting and controversial of these therapies are discussed, including: colonic irrigation, ear candling, cupping, colloidal silver and massive doses of vitamins. This is often a light-hearted and humorous presentation, but with a serious underlying message.

Complementary therapies Q&A

Most people take vitamins, supplements or herbal products, or use other forms of natural, complementary or alternative medicines. In this open session you can ask about the science of any that you use, are thinking of using, or are simply interested in.



Cruise Speaking and other Presenting Experience

Enchanted Princess 7 day, Rome  Jun 2023

Celebrity Constellation, Caribbean,  11 day, Jan 2023

Celebrity Silhouette, Caribbean, 10 day, Dec 2022

Sky Princess Southampton Iceland 14 day 25 Jun 2022

Previously presented in the South Pacific, Australia and Asia on Cruise ships.


TedX speaker link here.

Introducing Shaun Holt

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